Adkins-Horton Genealogy
1774 - 1816 (42 years)
Name |
Abraham Hoagland |
Born |
1774 |
Somerset Co, NJ |
Gender |
Male |
Died |
1816 |
Gilboa, Schoharie Co, NY |
Buried |
Gilboa Rural Cemetery, Gilboa, Schoharie Co, NY |
- This is not the original burial site - Original site: Hoagland Family Farm Cemetery
(A source previously used said that "Hoagland Family Farm Cem." was created before 1922 to receive grave reinternments when the Schoharie Reservior was created.)
* Reinterments from Hoagland Family Farm Cemetery and others were to Gilboa Rural Cemetery, located on Wyckoff Rd. east of Gilboa.
Person ID |
I14072 |
adkinshorton |
Last Modified |
25 Jan 2019 |
Father |
Jacob Hoagland, b. 1735, Somerset Co, NJ , d. 1808, Gilboa, Schoharie Co, NY (Age 73 years) |
Mother |
Maria Dubois, b. 1740, NJ , d. 1810, NY (Age 70 years) |
Family ID |
F540 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |