Family Plot at Farmhouse, Achallader, Glen Orchy, Argyll and Bute, Scotland
'...included are Fletcher stones at...Auchallader. At the latter there is but one stone left with full dates: "John Fletcher (Jr.) doed Jan. 1805 ae 78 yrs". Erected 1813 is one for Archibald Fletcher of Ardbrecknish (no other dates).' —Glen Orchy Gravestones (Glenurquhay in old records) Note: This Archibald (1725-1796) is the brother of John Jr. (died 1805). Above quote was requoted in "Ancestral Lines of Chester Everts Howell" Finch 1976.
Sons of John Fletcher of Inveroran Gravestones at Achallader, sons of John Fletcher of Inveroran
• Archibald Fletcher (1725-1796) of Achallader on left
• John Fletcher, Jr. (1727-1805) of Inveroran on right