Adkins-Horton Genealogy
1734 - 1777 (43 years)
Name |
John Andrews |
- Click Here to View Information about John Andrews, son of Francis Andrews, and his namesake descendants named John. Clarification of which John is which, and of known and/or obvious errors in genealogy and history resource compilations, giving appropriate birth, marriage and death information as available for each with source citations for each piece of data provided. There were five generations of John Andrews as a continuous lineage.
Ens., West Parish, Fairfield, May 1767
Lt., Oct 1769
Capt., May 1774
Title |
Capt. |
Suffix |
IV |
Born |
17 Mar 1734 |
Westport, Fairfield Co, CT [1] |
Gender |
Male |
Died |
19 Nov 1777 |
Buried |
Colonial Cemetery, Westport, Fairfield Co, CT |
Person ID |
I9876 |
adkinshorton |
Last Modified |
24 Sep 2023 |
Sources |
- [S18815] Registry of Births, Marriages & Deaths of the Town of Fairfield 1692-1855.